Conversations with THE ROUND UP Winners — Ellie Weiler & Jack Coyne

The CHAMPS // p: Maisy Hoffman

Jill Perkins led the charge in organizing a mini pipe contest at Woodward Park City over the weekend. The event supported by Stance, was designed to be inclusive to all skill levels and attracted riders from all over to ride the roughly 12-foot high level walls. No matter your riding style, we can all agree that some of the best sessions are thrown down in the mini pipe. This occasion offered more than just good times and high-fives — It had a prize pool of five thousand dollars for the top man and women.

Claiming the top spots and the coveted $5K were Ellie Weiler and Jack Coyne, both in their early twenties. Not only were they recognized as the best riders in the pipe that day, but also provided them with a big check that would typically require numerous hours of work in summer jobs. We chatted via text with the winners to discuss transitions, money, and more.

Shout out to Stance, Woodward Park City, Skull Candy, and Sun Bum for supporting Jill's event and helping us throw an unforgettable best western themed party at Evo! 

Where are you from? How old are you? 
 Highlands ranch Colorado and 21
Edwards Colorado, 22 years old

What’s your experience in mini pipes? Super pipes? 
E: I did some USASA pipe comps when I was like 12 or 13 in the super pipe at copper and that was my first mini pipe comp! I got about two days in breaks mini before round up tho just to try to get some pipe legs 
Mini pipe is definitely one of my favorite things to board, the resorts in Colorado all had them growing up, and yeah up until the 2021 season i competed riding halfpipe contests, mostly Revtours with a couple World Cups. 

Ellie addicted to the SHRED // p: Maisy Hoffman

Did you feel extra sendy with $5K on the line? 
Honestly I tried not to think about that and just wanted to have fun and hopefully ride well. I’d only don’t two other contests this season with coming back from my knee so I wasn’t really wanting to put that pressure on myself 
J: 5k potential was definitely a good motivator to walk pipe a couple times but watching the sickest boarders and having a sesh with them was what got me fired up.

Up down all around Jack was everywhere // p: Maisy Hoffman

Besides walking away with the cash prize what was your favorite or most memorable part of the event? 
Oh gosh honestly seeing you (Katie) send the cripplers and somehow having decking out in the most vert mini I’ve ever been in but seriously just getting to ride with everyone again and I love the hiking aspect cause you get to cheer and watch what everyone else is doing. I also did a McTwist 7 (not sure how clean it looked but it felt good) and that was my first 7 in a pipe so that was cool.
J: Most memorable for me was seeing a lot of my favorite pros at the pipe and they all had such good energy. Chris, Sam, Blake, Rav, have all been heroes to me growing up. Also the Gap Year show at night was epic usually wouldn't get in the moshin scene, pretty scary haha, but i was hyped and jumped around with the homies for a bit. 

5k richer. That’s a lot of hours doing a summer job! Whats the first thing you thought of buying with the money? 
Lots of hours! And yikes, I guess the first thing I thought about was buying some drinks for people last night with some of it and then saving the rest for when something catches my eye haha
J: The 5k is huge for the program, have been on the fence about going back to camp to coach thinkin about other jobs but now I'm hyped to be able to support another Oregon summer. I love that place. I'm actually at Milo right now getting a new skate deck mine because mine was busted. I'd also be hyped on a surfboard for the coast this summer

Jack summer plans have changed with this check // p: Maisy Hoffman

Did you ride the mechanical bull? If so, score yourself on performance? 
I did! I’d give myself a solid 6 I think I could do better but it was my first time so definitely room for improvement.
J:  I did get on the bull, twice, haha. My second performance was definitely not as good as the first. I dont think I'm going to have a career in the rodeo anytime soon.

Any shoutouts? Last words.. 
 Oh man obviously thanks to Jill for the invite and Tay for everything she did! All my sponsors that have supported me to get back riding this year GNU, Thirtytwo, Purl, Gravitee Boardshop, Bent Metal and Chip and Ryan at Mono Cera for letting me miss work so I could drive a day earlier and miss some weather. Also Gomez and her roommates for letting me crash at their place. 
J: Shout outs definitely to jill and woodies for putting on the sickest event, seeing more events for the boarding community has been awesome. Huge s/o to my fam, and all the homies that I get to do the things I love with. 


The champs hug it out before heading to the bank $$$ // p: Maisy Hoffman