From the Salomon desk:
“The entrance to a home is what gives newcomers a first impression. It provides an opportunity to express the personalities of the home through artwork, decorative furnishings, and material belongings. It’s a place to hang your coat and drop your shoes while acclimating to the warm, interior environment. Above all, it’s a place to welcome new people to the house.
FOYER is a short movie welcoming the entrance of five talented snowboarders to the Salomon household. The future is bright.”
Featured riding by: Blake Moller, Luke Lund, Johan Nordhag, Emma Crosby, Tommy Gesme and Gian Sutter

All generic copy aside, this video is all about welcoming the next generation of all terrain snowboarders to the Salomon family. This crew worked their asses off all season long across continents. The plan was to focus on a truly all-terrain video with our most promising am riders. The concept involved bringing the European riders to the US to flim the first half of the season, and then sending everyone to Europe for the second half. Unfortunately, you can’t plan for snowfall. It seemed like every time they moved locations, the place they were in last got dumped on. Dismal snowfall aside, this crew made lemonade out of lemons and created gold from trash. Their eager, positive, and young outlook proved to overcome any conditions and make the best of all situations.