The following article was originally printed in the October 2024 Issue of Slush. To access the full article click here.
I had a chat with your dad, and he mentioned that you were into tagging when you were younger. Now I’m curious—did you have a tag name back then? What kind of spots were you hitting up?
Yeah, honestly, I didn’t have a tag name. It was just straight "Jadyn" on everything. I’d put my name on everything, and I probably put the D backwards, the Y backwards, but that’s just how it was. I guess I just liked leaving my mark.
Have you given up the life of tagging?
No, no, that stuck with me forever. I'll always be tagging.
Well, it's funny because your dad said you used to deny it was you, so I figured there must’ve been a tag name. But now that I know it was just your name, that makes it funnier.
No, it was brutal. They'd be so mad. It was my name, Jadyn, written right there, and I’d be like, "No, wasn’t me. Not me."
Okay, another important question. I watched the Lost and Found video on YouTube, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you had a shotgun battle with Jack McDougall, and then you ran around the bases. Is this a Canadian game we don't know about in the U.S.? What’s happening here?
That would've been kickball. It was intermission during kickball, just killing time, and I think me and Jack are pretty competitive, so we had to run it out.
And you won?
I won. But I think we did another one after, and he won, so I think there’s a third one that has to go down eventually.

In your opinion, what’s the best Canadian slang word?
I like “toque.”
And do you have a least favorite Canadian slang word?
Oh my God, "Tim Hortons"—just in general.
How old were you when you first won Baker Banked?
Oh, I think I was 12. Grom category, 2014. It’s the only duct tape I have.
And now I have a really important follow-up question: What would be better for your career—a face tattoo from Arthur Longo or winning another Baker Banked Slalom?
A face tat.
Yeah, that’s the only right answer.
I think that’s the only way.
Yeah, definitely the correct answer. Speaking of Arthur, what can you tell me about Sophia? How did that come to be?
Yeah, that was a crazy one. Kind of weird. Cannon and I met Arthur and Ollie [Olivier Gittler] last spring in Salt Lake City on a Volcom trip, and we didn’t really think much of it. Then they reached out to both of us and wanted us on board to travel with them. It was fucking crazy for me. I was just pinching myself, being asked by Arthur to do anything.
I wasn’t really planning to film for anything in particular. I didn’t even know what I was going to do, so when I got asked to do that, it was a no-brainer. Follow them wherever. And it was fun.