Back just in time for the full swing of summer, our rider-driven "playlist" of what's hot at the moment—JUICED.
Our latest guest, Melissa Riitano, seems to really be hitting a smooth stride in her career. Her riding’s grown sharper and more deliberate, evidenced in her recent segment in FOR INSTANCE, and she seems at home with a very cool K2 Snowboarding team. She’s leaning into her passion for surfing and photography and letting these other pursuits influence her approach to boarding and life at large, and it’s all really working for her. Take it away, Melissa.
Surfing and Mexico

Surfing is one of the things I’ve been falling more in love with every year. I just got back from a trip to Mexico. I almost wanted to just miss my flight and stay there all summer. The people are amazing, the food, the pace of life. I really love it all.

Backcountry and snowmobiling
This past winter, I felt my obsession reignite for snowboarding. I was hooked when I got onto a snowmobile for the first time. I bought one off Amanda Hankison right at the end of winter. All I want to do this summer is work toward getting strong to keep control of that thing, and ride backcountry. Doing everything I can to get stronger but also enjoy myself. Mountain biking, climbing, workout classes, and hiking.
Save A Brain
I’ve been working with Kelsey Boyer nearly since the birth of Save A Brain. Over the past couple of years I have been helping and running the content-creating side and social media. It’s been cool to work on something so special that is helping the extreme sports communities by providing resources and sharing education about brain health and injuries.
A book written by Matthew McConaughey. I didn’t think it would be this good! It’s about how he has approached his life as a person, career, and father. It’s not a self-help book, but more of a book on how you can approach life.
“A greenlight is being kind to our future self. It’s things in our life that affirm our way, they say ‘go, proceed, more, please carry on.’ While yellow and red lights make us slow down in life — they can be a crisis, hardship, intervention, interruption.”
I really would recommend reading it! It was straightforward to read, with some cool journal entries. A few takeaways: be less impressed and more involved. To me, this speaks to fully being in the process and not being concerned about what COULD the outcome be. A few others: take calculated risks, don’t half-ass anything, what would my future self think of my current decisions?
Since I was a little kid, I have always loved taking pictures. Throughout high school, I took photography classes every year, which led me to want to go to college for photography, journalism, and writing. The plan was to take a year off school, snowboard for the winter, and dive in after. Well, the obsession with snowboarding took over. And that brings us to now. I’ve been reconnecting with my love of taking photos. And recently have been getting back into some film photography. It’s been a fun way to feed my creativity.
Time to slow down a little
This has been the biggest one for me. I’ve been making quality time for some much needed self care and getting my mind back on track. Quality time with friends by actually reaching out to people and doing fun things or just hanging out. I can be a little introverted. And quality time for family, right now, this means a lot of phones and Facetiming since they are further away. Life is nothing without the people we care about.