Legends of the Konbini — Boardslide Worldwide


From our friends at Boardslide Worldwide: 

Konbini: (con-bee-knee)
1. Japanese name given to the nations ubiquitous convenience stores
2. A convenience store in Japan

Dive into a Konbini-powered snowboard film through Japan's mainland. Quickly, the Konbini became a quintessential part of our morning ritual before going snowboarding. It was here that we congregated every morning to make a plan, stock up on Onigiri for lunch, caffeinate, and explore the diverse breakfast options of a single banana, curry bread, soy sauce egg, and all the other Japanese delicacies they had to offer.

Follow along as Austen Sweetin, Cannon Cummins, Temple Cummins, Griffin Siebert, Matteo Soltane, Jadyn Chomlack, and local friends ride Hakuba's most prized terrain and chase the storms north to join the underground snowboard scene of Japan's mainland. 

Thank you, Endo Tsutomu, for your guidance and hospitality and for sharing your local terrain with us. Thank you, Die Go, for connecting us with Mutti, welcoming us with open arms, and sharing your local terrain with us. The snowboard scene is alive, well, and thriving, and it was a true honor to tap into your local communities for three weeks.

Legends of the Konbini is a Boardslide Worldwide production supported by Quiksilver, Lib Technologies, and Mint Tours.

Produced by Austen Sweetin
Filmed and Edited by Sean Lucey
Photography by Joshua Poehlein and Endo Tsutomu.
Captain of good vibes Olivier Gittler

Boards ridden during this episode:
-Austen 153 Lib-Tech Lib-Rig
-Cannon 161 GNU wagyu
-Temple 162 GNU Banked Country and Banked Country Split
-Matteo 159 GNU Banked Country
-Grif 162 Nitro Alternator
-Jadyn 161 GNU Wagyu
-Endo 159 Lib-Tech Lib-Rig
-Kuya 156 Lib-Tech Sweet Fish