Kyle:Describe how you felt after I cold called you to do this project.
KJ: It was pretty whatever.. if it was going to be talking about X- games or trick tips or the good old days- I wasn’t really interested. But as you started explaining it and after I watched Travis Parkers great Digression I started to perk up a little. Then I kinda had this sick feeling… I’m gonna have to talk about some real stuff. Then you said said you were shooting it all in 16mm film and I was in! I have a soft spot for film!
Kyle:I feel partly responsible for bringing you and Patrick Moore together, kinda like a shred bro blind date! You guys never hung out once, then went straight into an epic three day shred camping trip. How was your guys bro down experience during that? Pretty epic first date if you ask me!
KJ:At first I was kinda apprehensive because the objective was pretty big and I didn’t know if he would dig it. There’s a lot going on when you hike your house on your back into the backcountry. I can’t stand when people complain when we’re out there. It’s sacred don’t bring that with you… you can leave that at the trailhead. Literally in the first hour we were singing songs, joking about earth day, planning other trips, where our honeymoon was gonna be… talking about the pro shred hangover.. we got along perfectly and I finally got to hang out with somebody who sunburns worse than I do. I’m one chromosome away from Ginger and Pat is the real deal!
Kyle: Being so open in this film about your battles with social anxiety and your journey from alcoholism to sobriety is so rad Kevin! What would your number one piece of advice be to getting off the booze, to someone that really wants to do it, but struggles.
KJ: Chase the things you love the most with all your heart. Realize that the booze is a slow assassin and will eventually take all of it away from you. When I really wrapped my head around that and believed it; quitting was… I wouldn’t say easy but less hard. You gotta want it. Not because your mom or girlfriend or wife or friends want you to stop. You, I, me, have to want it. Until then don’t even try to quit! Hold onto those good drinking memories cause it’s fun. Be real about it, booze is awesome! I just can’t do it anymore! You get a certain number of get drunk cards in your life and I blew my wad early! Big deal, learn how to play another instrument or something.
Kyle: What was your best and worst experiences during the process of this film?
KJ: Best was meeting yourself, Jake Pollock, Patrick, and getting to hang with Chris Edmands aka Shredmands for a few days, worst was having to be mic-ed up and talking about real stuff. It’s hard, but If it helps one person it was worth it!
Kyle: Would you recommend to a friend?
KJ: No. Only people I’ll never see … ever. Hahahahahhhaha
Kyle: Top 3 who you would want to see in the next TGD episodes.
KJ: Roan Rodgers, Tom Burt, Tara Dakides