The Uninvited Alumni Interview—Darrah Reid-McLean


Interview by The Uninvited

How did your friendship with Jess come to be? Was it before or after The Uninvited videos?

I’ve known Jess for so long now.  Initially I knew her as the girl in Whistler with the sick back tails and switch front boards.  Eventually we both filmed for the Peep Show videos.  I remember her filming me on her Elph camera for some of those summer edits.  We didn’t really become besties until the Uninvited days though.  2020 was awful but I kind of really benefited from the travel bans.  Jess couldn’t leave Squamish so she introduced sledding, dirtbiking, and mountain biking to my life.  I love being Jess Kimura’s sidekick.   

What’s a fun fact about Jess we might not know?

Fun fact:  I have now exceeded Jess’ skills on a dirtbike and snowmobile.  She secretly HATES it.  Another fun fact:  She’s really good at chefing and sometimes makes me vegan treats that are better than the ones I spend way too much money on.  One more fun fact: she doesn’t really like dogs which is so funny because normally that would be a pretty big red flag but she’s the best person in the world so it’s just kind of an odd quirk. 


Why did you want to be a part of The Uninvited?

My dream ever since I started snowboarding was to film video parts.  I was obsessed with the Runway films.  But it seemed like there was a huge gap in opportunity and support between Runway and The Uninvited.  We were still filming and making things happen for ourselves but it felt good to be involved in something more structured and professional.  (That being said, it still wasn’t very structured and I have no idea how Jess pulled together all that footage from so many different filmers and made it work.  It must have been so hectic.  More evidence of her being the goat).


What opportunities came from your video parts in The Uninvited?

The very short answer:  A pro model and a higher level of support from sponsors (which I wouldn’t be able to continue to film video parts without).  

I really think The Uninvited was the catalyst to the whole industry starting to shift. 

Standout memory from filming for and with The Uninvited? Or any funny stories?

My favourite memories are from that first year of sledding.  I remember going into the backcountry and being like “THIS IS WHAT Y’ALL HAVE BEEN LOOKING AT WHILE I’VE BEEN GETTING HIT BY CARS IN THE STREETS?!”  It’s so pretty out there.  But also really overwhelming.  Hitting Ben’s pristinely built quarterpipes with Jess is definitely a highlight, I still love those qp clips from that year.  


You have been a part of so many standout video projects, is there one you are most proud of?

I haven’t yet filmed the part I feel I’m capable of.  I’m sure this is how everyone who films feels, which is why we keep chasing it.  But I guess I’m proud of the “Self-Titled” part because I was a little lost that year without a project.  It involved a lot of organizing on my end and I’m happy it came together.

What's next for you, any big plans?

We are filming a 686 backcountry project this year.  It’s more sledding than I’ve ever done and my arms have never been so sore.  This is my first winter fully committing to the backcountry, I’m learning a lot and very grateful for the crew I’m with.  Pray for snow for us.

Stand out Uninvited rider from all 3 videos in your opinion

So hard to answer but Maria, Kennedi and Ylfa all come to mind.

You commentated the livestream for last year’s Uninvited Invitational, and honestly you crushed, was that your first time? Were you nervous? How hard was it to keep up with the riders dropping and will you do it again?

That was my first live broadcast.  It was so fun.  Surprisingly, it didn't feel hard at all.  Confidence doesn’t come naturally to me and speaking confidently is definitely a challenge… but I think because snowboarding (especially women’s street snowboarding) is a topic I’m so familiar with… my whole life revolves around it… so it’s easy to talk about.  Having Craig as my co host definitely made it even better, I think we had a good dynamic.  I will be doing it again this year!  I’m hoping to do more broadcasting type things in the future as well.

Stand out moment from last year’s event?

Jess Shred (Perlmutter)’s riding was so exciting to watch.  Also loved watching Ellie Weiler battle a couple tricks and then finally stomp them.

Any advice for those wanting to enter the Uninvited Wildcard?

Do it!

Thank you!!!