Videograss Rider Profile—Jill Perkins



Name: Jill Perkins

Age: 30

Stance: Goofy

Home Mountain: Woodward Park City/Brighton

Currently Reside: Salt Lake City, Utah 

Board: 151 Kink 

Bindings: Ride A-6

Boots: Vans High Standard Pro

Stance Angles/Width: 12/-3

Sponsors: Vans, Ride, Rockstar, Electric, Stance, Sunbum, Dakine, Nixon 

Jill goin on the cover way back in Volume 1 | Photo: Oli Gagnon
“Chances are Jill Perkins works harder than you,” were the first words of the first introduction written for the first feature interview printed in this very magazine. Those words were printed all the way back in 2021, but they still ring true today. Yes, it’s easy to say that Jill works hard, look at the facts. She won both Rider and Footage of the Year awards from her part in a Video of the Year nominated video. You try doing that by coasting.