For 136-pages Being Green follows the Vans snowboard team during the years surrounding their first full-length film, Landline. The photography captures intimate moments, documenting the journey of individuals coming into their own, while simultaneously cementing a family bond. With the passing of Dillon Ojo, this family underwent an unexpected transformation. The images left behind are precious reminders of Dillon’s life, which overflowed with substance and style.
Photographs in this book were created by and depict individuals who have dedicated their lives to snowboarding—from the living legends who shaped snowboarding into what it is today, to the modern youth who carry their torch.
Photography: Oli Gagnon, Tanner Pendleton, Jake Price, Skylar Brent, Ian Boll, Aaron Blatt, Cole Martin, Harry Hagan, Bud Fawcett, Trevor Graves & Darrell Mathes.
Design: Anthony Cappetta & Tanner Pendleton.
Interviews: John Cardiel, Bryan Iguchi, Chris Roach & Jake Kuzyk.
Words: Pat Moore, Mike Ravelson, Cole Navin, Jake Price, Pat Bridges & Eric Greene.
Compiled and edited by Tanner Pendleton.
All proceeds go to The Dillon Ojo Lifeline Foundation.